Work experience for teenagers with special needs

TEENAGERS in Coventry with special needs looking for a work experience placement this summer are invited to apply to Crow Recycling.  The charity is offering one week long placements to teenagers with special needs looking to boost future college or job applications.  People doing work experience with Crow work in the charity’s social enterprises. These include recycling office waste paper into animal bedding,  processing office waste paper for recycling elsewhere and processing aluminum cans for recycling elsewhere. People on work experience also have the opportunity to take part in Crow’s gardening project and help in the Scrapstore, a second hand arts and crafts shop.   Crow Recycling office manager Lucy Lynch said: “We are particularly keen to reach teenagers with special needs in mainstream schools looking for short placements in the summer term.  “There’s chance to learn to operate machinery, learn about safe manual handling and do a taster session in horticulture. Work experience with Crow is a way to give CVs a boost and pick up some extra life skills.”  Crow was set up 40 years ago to provide work placements and training to disabled people, mainly adults and teenagers with learning difficulties. Crow is based at Orchard House, Sparkbrook Street, Hillfields, Coventry, CV1 5LB.  Anyone interested should contact Crow Recycling on 20476552444 (if you leave an answerphone message please include a number to call back) or e mail Crow on  Cans donated by the Maybird Shopping Park in the crusher and baler

By | January 14th, 2025|blogs|0 Comments

We want your aluminium cans

Office manager Lucy Lynch with cans and crushed and baled Turn used aluminium cans into money with Crow Recycling in Coventry.  Crow Recycling is appealing for used aluminium drinks cans to recycle. The cans are crushed and baled at the Crow warehouse in Coventry. Then they’re sent to metal dealers to be sold on to aluminium recycling plants and turned into new cans.  Crow Recycling will pay 30 pence per kg for cans brought to the warehouse in Sparkbrook Street, Hillfields.   Crow Recycling office manager Lucy Lynch said: “Not only can people make some money from collecting aluminium cans but they can help the environment too. Aluminium is infinitely recyclable. Although there’s plenty of it in the ground it’s much cheaper to recycle than to extract through mining. That’s because separating aluminium from its ore is a more expensive process than melting down used aluminium and making it into new cans.  “It takes less than 10 weeks for an aluminium can to be recycled and back on the shop shelves.”  Crow Recycling is a registered charity running a recycling and reuse social enterprise to provide volunteering opportunities and work placements for disabled people, mainly people with learning difficulties.  For more information ring 02476552444, e mail or visit our the can page on our website here.

By | October 8th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Crowing about confidential office paper shredding to Coventry’s Lord Mayor

Crow Recycling's Lucy Lynch meets Coventry's Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress Crow Recycling's confidential office paper shredding service was something to crow about in front of Coventry's Lord and Lady Mayoress. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress stopped by Crow table at the Way Forward networking event organised by Coventry and Warwickshire CDA. They were the guests of honour at the event held at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry. Crow Recycling office manager Lucy Lynch explained how Crow provides work placements for disabled people in various ways, one of them by providing a commercial service destroying confidential office documents. She told the mayor how Crow has been going strong for 38 years, originally at the Barras Heath Wholesale Market in Stoke then at the current location on Sparkbrook Street, Hillfields, Coventry. Lucy said: "It was a privilege to meet the Lord and Lady Mayoress, particularly as the mayor has made history by becoming the first Lord Mayor of Coventry to wear a turban." Crow Recycling provides work placements and volunteering opportunities for disabled people, mainly people with learning difficulties. Other commercial services Crow provides are processing aluminium cans for recycling, selling animal bedding and running an arts and crafts second hand shop called a Scrapstore.

By | November 16th, 2023|Confidential shredding|0 Comments


Teenagers set to be the nursery staff and school teachers of the future learned about crafting for young children the environmentally friendly and budget friendly way. The students who are learning how to care for young children, visited the Crow Recycling Scrapstore in Coventry. The group picked up skills they need to lead craft activities for young children while keeping costs down and treading lightly on the planet. Using Scrapstore materials diverted from landfill they made decorated jars, collages and fabric mache bowls, all ideal projects for small children. The 12 students are all at Warwickshire College's Rugby campus studying T level early years. T levels are equivalent to A levels but involve part of each week on a work placement. The group who visited Crow are doing work placements in nurseries and expect to go on to work in nurseries and schools. Scrapstore manager Kathy Heard said: "It's great to show students the creative possibilities of reused craft items saved from landfill. There's no need to spend a fortune to express creativity. This is creativity on a shoestring." The Crow Recycling Scrapstore is a shop selling reused items, many of them saved from landfill, for arts and crafts. Crow Recycling is a registered charity in Coventry providing work placements for disabled people. Crow also provides commercial services destroying confidential waste paper, processing cans for recycling and selling animal bedding.

By | November 9th, 2023|blogs, scrap store|0 Comments

We’ve shredded our 200,000th bag

Warehouse volunteer Michael at Crow Recycling CROW RECYCLING HITS 200,000 BAG MILESTONE  Staff and volunteers at Crow are celebrating shredding their 200,000th bag of confidential waste.  Since Crow Recycling was founded in 1985 as a charity offering work placements and volunteering opportunities to disabled people the organisation has destroyed 200,000 bags, approximately 10kg each, of confidential documents. Shredding confidential documents for customers is one of the ways Crow Recycling provides work placements for disabled people.  Other ways include running a Scrapstore selling donated items for arts and crafts, processing non confidential paper, selling animal bedding and processing drinks cans for recycling.  Office manager Lucy Lynch said: “Destroying confidential waste is one of the ways we provide work placements for disabled people.   “We’ve kept going through the ups and downs of the last thirty eight years varying from shrinking grant funding to Covid and we’re delighted to reach this milestone.  “A big thank you to all our  volunteers both disabled and non disabled, customers, funders and supporters.”  Volunteering at Crow gives a taste of life in the work place – for some people their first one. Some move on to more demanding placements or paid work while others volunteer long term at Crow. Crow also welcomes secondary school pupils with special needs on short term work experience placements.  Once destroyed by shredding the confidential documents are recycled as animal bedding or sent to paper mills to be sold on for recycling, very often as toilet paper.  The charity was founded by Barbara Cowling in 1985. Originally Crow was based at the Barras Heath Wholesale Market in Stoke, Coventry, moving to its current location Orchard House in Sparkbrook Street, Hillfields, Coventry, in 1999. 

By | October 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Free plastic wallets

Anyone dropping in at Crow Recycling can pick up free plastic wallets. The wallets arrive at Crow with office waste paper for disposal. They're separated when the paper is sorted ready to shred for animal bedding or sent for recycling. Most plastic wallets are made from polypropylene plastics code 5. It can be recycled but needs a complex process including high temperatures. There aren't that many plants that do it and they aren't included in kerbside collections. So they're more suited to reuse than recycling. So if you drop in at Crow Recycling help yourself to a handful.  

By | October 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Industrial cable spools wanted

    The Crow Recycling scrapstore is appealing for donations of industrial cable spools. They're really popular with scrapstore customers who buy them to refurbish and use as furniture. The money from selling the cable spools will go towards keeping Crow Recycling, a registered charity, up and running and providing work placements for disabled people. Crow can collect the cable spools free of charge from Coventry, Warwickshire, Solihull, part of Birmingham and part of Leicestershire. Crow Recycling also accepts donations a range of other waste materials that can be reused as art and craft supplies. If you have cable spools or other waste to get rid of which the Scrapstore can sell on and if you want to reduce your waste disposal costs ring Crow Recycling on 02476 552 444. The email is

By | October 1st, 2018|scrap store|0 Comments