Second Hand September

Car boot sales, Depop and setting aside plenty of time to rummage through charity shops are Scrapstore development worker Lauren Dunn’s top tips for Second Hand September.

She’s signed up to the Oxfam initiative and pledged not to buy any new clothes for a month.

She said: “With charity shops I generally try and go to all the ones in the city centre if I’m looking for something. You have to set aside a bit of time to rummage and visit quite a few to find what you want.

“I once found a pair of Doc Martens in my size – I’m only size 2 so I couldn’t believe I’d found them in a charity shop and they were only £8.

Lauren Dunn at Crow Recycling

Scrapstore Development Worker Lauren Dunn

“Car boot sales are pretty good places for second hand clothes. They’re usually a lot cheaper than charity shops because people want to get rid of things quickly. I’ve found children’s clothes for 50 pence and of course because children grow so fast they’re hardly worn.

“They’re really good for toys as well – I bought two boxes of Thomas the Tank engine toys really cheaply and they were played with for ages.

“You have to get up early though – they usually start really early and if you go later on all the good stuff has been sold.

“I sell clothes on ebay and I’m quite interested in Depop for buying second hand clothes. Then there are Gumtree and Preloved.

“If you need something as a one off for a job interview or special occasion consider borrowing an outfit from a friend.

“At the moment I’m knitting a blanket with wool from the Scrapstore – if you’re good with needles you could knit hats and scarves with Scrapstore wool.”

For fashion not to be found on the high street the  Scrapstore has a rail of upcycled second hand clothes inspired by the work of the pop artist Gill Elvgren. They’re £5 each for Scrapstore members.

Oxfam launched Second Hand September to highlight how looking stylish doesn’t have to use up the planet’s scarce resources.

Those taking part don’t have to buy their clothes from Oxfam’s second hand shops – they can be from other shops or accepted as hand me downs from friends and relatives.