Teenagers set to be the nursery staff and school teachers of the future learned about crafting for young children the environmentally friendly and budget friendly way.

The students who are learning how to care for young children, visited the Crow Recycling Scrapstore in Coventry.
The group picked up skills they need to lead craft activities for young children while keeping costs down and treading lightly on the planet. Using Scrapstore materials diverted from landfill they made decorated jars, collages and fabric mache bowls, all ideal projects for small children.
The 12 students are all at Warwickshire College’s Rugby campus studying T level early years. T levels are equivalent to A levels but involve part of each week on a work placement. The group who visited Crow are doing work placements in nurseries and expect to go on to work in nurseries and schools.

Scrapstore manager Kathy Heard said: “It’s great to show students the creative possibilities of reused craft items saved from landfill. There’s no need to spend a fortune to express creativity. This is creativity on a shoestring.”
The Crow Recycling Scrapstore is a shop selling reused items, many of them saved from landfill, for arts and crafts. Crow Recycling is a registered charity in Coventry providing work placements for disabled people. Crow also provides commercial services destroying confidential waste paper, processing cans for recycling and selling animal bedding.
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